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What Expert witnesses can do during the pandemic

By Steven Babitsky, Esq. As a result of the pandemic expert witnesses are facing many challenges including the postponement of assignments,depositions and trials. After taking care of their family and themselves. what can expert witnesses do during this period? Here are some suggestions for using this time productively; Update your CV and website Many experts… read more

FINRA Expungement Expert Witness: A Primer on Expungements Through FINRA Arbitration Process

By: Daniel Mattei   Learn how and why FINRA expungement expert witnesses can assist in investor expungement proceedings in front of an arbitration panel. I.               Introduction: The CRD and BrokerCheck The Central Registration Depository (“CRD”), is a database maintained by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). The CRD contains information about securities firms and individual… read more

OSHA: General Duty Clause

Steven Babitsky, Esq. The U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, dealt with BHC psychiatric hospital which was sued for violating the General Duty Clause of OSHA. It was alleged that they failed to protect their employees from the recognized hazard of death or serious physical harm from patient aggression. The court found that by… read more

How Lawyers Are Trained to “Bury” Expert Witnesses: Cross-Examination

Steven Babitsky, Esq. Attorney Dianne P. Sullivan and Jed P. Winer of Weil Gotshal wrote on how to bury expert witnesses on cross-examination. The attorneys advised counsel to dig deep: to uncover points to “bury” expert witnesses. Here is a summary of their suggestions. Closely examine the expert’s CV. See where the expert’s articles… read more

The Biggest Concerns Physicians Have About Starting a Consulting Business

Steven Babitsky, Esq. For some physicians starting a successful consulting practice seems like a daunting task. My experience is that as thousands of physicians have already done this, there is no reason you cannot join them as a successful physician consultant. Here are some of the common concerns physicians have about starting a consulting practice…. read more

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