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MEMS Expert Witness: What are MEMS and How are They Used in Modern Technology?

By Dr. Chris Daft What are MEMS? “MEMS” is an acronym standing for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems.  These are tiny mechanical devices which are made in integrated circuit (IC) factories.  When the technologies for electronic chips were developed, there was an unanticipated parallel benefit: the ability to precisely manufacture mechanical devices with very small features. The celebrated… read more

FINRA Expert Witness: What FINRA is and how it helps to resolve investor/financial adviser disputes

By Thomas G. Taliaferro, CIMA The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority—FINRA—was established in 2007 as a combination of the National Association of Securities Dealers—NASD and the member regulation, enforcement and arbitration functions of the New York Stock Exchange. Contrary to popular belief, FINRA is not an agency of the federal government. It is a private, non-profit… read more

Orthopedic Expert Witness: Causation of Positive Diagnostic Studies Following Motor Vehicle Accidents

While vehicular trauma frequently results in a whiplash associated disorder (WAD), usually involving the neck (cervical region), other associated complaints include headaches and lower back (lumbar region) pain. Causation The question that is asked most frequently when seeking my expert opinion is whether or not the findings on x-ray or MRI are the direct result… read more

Urine Drug Tests in Pain Management: Defrauding Patients, Insurance Companies and The Government

By: Anthony Guarino, MD UDTs Common Tool Urine drug tests (UDTs) are a common tool for a health care practitioner to use in order to guide and direct opioid prescribing.  While there are no absolute requirements to do one before or during the prescribing of narcotics, many organizations recommend doing them as part of a… read more

Transducer Expert Witness: What a Transducer is and How it Works in Medical Devices and Cell Phones

Dr. Chris Daft What is a transducer? The first job of a transducer expert witness may very well be to explain what exactly a transducer is. The word “transducer” comes from the Latin verb transducere, meaning “to transfer.”  A transducer transfers one type of energy to another. Modern technology uses electrical signals extensively, so today’s… read more

Financial Planner Expert Witness – Ultra-High Net-Worth Clients and FINRA Arbitration

By Thomas G. Taliaferro, CIMA F. Scott Fitzgerald: “The rich are different than you and me.” Ernest Hemingway: “Yes, they have more money” This apocryphal conversation between two giants of American literature only scratches the surface of the difference between ultra-high-net worth investors and the rest of us. I have had quite extensive dealings with… read more

PCB Expert Witness-Low Exposures and PCB Toxicity in Humans

By Ted W. Simon, PhD    Polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs were used in transformers and other electrical equipment throughout the twentieth century because of their ideal electrical and thermal properties and the fact that acute toxicity of these chemical mixtures had not been observed. In 1936, Monsanto asked the Harvard physician and researcher Cecil Drinker to… read more


James R. Kopp, M.D. EVIDENCE BASED EXPERT OPINIONS Evidence based medicine is grounded on the principle that physicians should utilize the information available in the literature to assist with treating patients and forming their expert opinions. “Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is regarded as a new paradigm in medical practice, equal in enormity to the human genome… read more

A Dioxin Expert Witness Discusses Human and Animal Dioxin Toxicity

By Ted W. Simon, PhD The ability for living organisms to modulate the actions of various genes imparts the ability to react to dietary and environmental changes. These modulations occur by the action of proteins that first bind to internal signaling molecules or external substances and then travel to the cell nucleus to bind to… read more

Mechanical Engineer Expert Witness on Falls from Ladders – Product Defect, Misuse or Both?

Nicholas A. Petrucci, P.E., C.S.P. According to the National Safety Council, in 2013 175,790 people were injured severely enough while using a ladder to require treatment at a hospital1.  Although the cause of these unfortunate incidents often involves some type of misuse, ladder defects are frequently causative or contributory factors. Portable ladders are generally classified… read more

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