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Hypoglycemia Expert Witness: Preventing and Treating Low Blood Sugar in Diabetics

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can occur in diabetic patients in a number of settings. Both injectable insulin and some oral agents used to treat diabetes can increase the chances of a hypoglycemic event, and in some cases, this can lead to severe injury or death. High blood sugar or hyperglycemia can affect mental function,… read more


By Steven Babitsky, Esq. and James J. Mangraviti Jr., Esq. Introduction One of the most effective ways to impress retaining counsel is to come prepared to the deposition preparation session. Experts who impress counsel with their work ethic, organization, and insight are much more likely to receive repeat business from the attorney. In addition, retaining… read more

Fall Protection Expert Witness: Holes, Hole Covers, and Skylights

By Homer R. Peterson II, P.E., CSP Falls to Lower Levels Through Holes and Skylights  OSHA uses the term “general industry” to describe all industries that do not involve agriculture, construction, or maritime work and defines “construction work” in Section 29CFR§1926.32(g) as “work for construction, alteration, and/or repair, including painting and decorating”.  Fall hazards associated… read more

SaaS Adoption Will Lead to Compliance Issues for Life Sciences Companies

By Terri Mead No Panacea SaaS (software as a service) systems appear to be the panacea for organizations wishing to reduce their overall IT costs and the burden of managing IT departments. In some cases, companies have completely outsourced their IT functions to external service providers.   Making it someone else’s problem seems ideal when one’s… read more

Failed IT Implementations are Expensive: Here’s How to Avoid Them

By Terri Hanson Mead IT System Failure Between 30% and 60% of IT related system projects fail. This doesn’t consider partial successes or disappointments associated with system implementations.  Most IT related system projects don’t have clear criteria for success so the definition of failure is subjective. The costs of these failures could be in the… read more

Digital Rights Management (DRM) and Secure Systems Expert Witness: Brief (but Broad) Highlights of the History of Digital Rights Management and the Like

By Jean Renard Ward Digital Rights Management (“DRM”) and secure software systems may be at issue in litigation concerning patent rights.   An expert witness on Digital Rights Management technologies, especially in light of the long history in this area, may be helpful in these matters. More than one person has commented that DRM does not… read more

Force Sensing and Haptics Expert Witness: A Brief Overview of Haptic Input Technologies for Touchscreens (And Other Objects)

By Jean Renard Ward “Haptics”, “force sensing” and “proximity sensing”, especially on personal devices like smartphones, may be at issue in intellectual property litigation.   In such cases a force sensing and haptics expert witness may be required. If you look up a dictionary definition for “haptic”, it just means “relating to the sense of touch”(i)…. read more

Medical device security expert witness: improving critical products

By Dr. Chris Daft Medical devices — engineering inventions to improve human health — have more than a century of history, with the global medical device market size predicted to exceed $500 billion by 2020. Most products in this market share a common feature: network connectivity.  Figure 1 shows a typical example: even something as… read more

Machine learning/artificial intelligence expert witness: The Future is Here

By Dr. Chris Daft What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning (ML) was once a technological “problem child” lurching through endless booms and busts.  But now it has become the driving force behind several of the largest companies in the world. How did this happen, and how is it connected to the work of an expert… read more

Software Trade Secret Expert Witness: Protecting Code When a Patent Won’t Do

By Dr. Chris Daft Patents, which are time-limited periods of exclusivity granted in return for disclosure of an invention, have contributed greatly to the expansion of technology in modern times. But sometimes seeking a patent either does not work, or is not in the best interest of the inventors or their company. Holding trade secrets… read more

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