According to SEAK’s 2024 Survey of Expert Witness Fees which surveyed over 1,600 expert witnesses:

  1. The median hourly fee for file review/preparation for all experts responding is $450/hour.
  2. The median hourly fee for depositions for all experts responding is $475/hour.
  3. The median hourly fee for testifying in court for all experts responding is $500/hour.
  4. 64% of experts responding require retaining counsel to sign a retention agreement.
  5. 68% of experts responding raised their rates in the last five years. Only 1% of those who raised their rates reported that raising their rates was a bad business decision that backfired.
  6. 25% of experts responding accept credit cards. 65% of experts responding accept ACH or Wire Transfers.
  7. 33% of experts responding utilize electronic invoicing systems.

For a free copy of SEAK’s 2024 Expert Witness Fee Survey – Summary report, please click here.

For full information including detailed fee data for over 250 specialties, please click here.