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Expert Witness: Ironworker Safety During Steel Erection Activities

By Homer R. Peterson II, P.E., CSP, CFLC Introduction During construction or renovation of almost any type of structure containing structural steel members, the steel is typically erected using crews containing ironworkers who are skilled in the type of work performed by their crew. This is true whether the structural steel is part of an… read more

Expert Witness Fees – How Much Should an Expert Witness Charge

According to SEAK’s 2024 Survey of Expert Witness Fees which surveyed over 1,600 expert witnesses: The median hourly fee for file review/preparation for all experts responding is $450/hour. The median hourly fee for depositions for all experts responding is $475/hour. The median hourly fee for testifying in court for all experts responding is $500/hour. 64%… read more

Spine MRI Expert Witness: Findings, Diagnosis and Potential Causes

By Robert J. Nocerini, MD Introduction MRIs of the spine are frequently performed after a new episode of back or neck pain, or at some point after trauma to determine the possible cause of pain, and to develop a possible treatment plan. When disc abnormalities are seen, such as bulges, herniations/protrusions, or fissures, one may… read more

Steel Erection Expert Witness: Transfer of Custody of Fall Protection

By Homer R. Peterson II, P.E., CSP, CFLC After completion of the steel erection portion of an area, building, phase, level, or sequence of a construction project, it can be advantageous for trades whose work follows the steel to use fall protection systems installed by the steel erector for ironworker safety. However, federal safety regulations… read more

Opioid Toxicology Expert Witness: Understanding Opioid Toxicology

By: Allison Muller Pharm.D, D.ABAT, FAACT The Difference Between Opiates and Opioids Opiates are naturally occurring compounds derived from the opium poppy plant, namely morphine and codeine. Opioids are artificial and are either fully synthetic (e.g., fentanyl) or semi-synthetic drugs (e.g., heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone). Both opioids and opiates attach to opioid receptors, which are nerve… read more

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