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Demand for Psychiatric IMEs Rising

There has been a sharp increase in Independent Medical Evaluations for psychiatric claims. Some experts attribute the rise to workers’ compensation claimants filing for PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Genex, one of the country’s leading IME companies, has seen a 20% increase in IMEs for psychiatric conditions in workers’ compensation cases. The October 2, 2019 article… read more

Cervical Spine Manipulation & Vertebrobasilar Artery Stroke: The Modern Perspective

Steven Brown, DC, CICE, Dipl Ac  For many years, it was considered dogma in the medicolegal community that cervical spine manipulation (CSM) could cause vertebral artery dissection (VAD) and resultant vertebrobasilar artery (VBA) stroke. However, research does not support a causal link between CSM and VAD. Thus, a medicolegal argument that includes CSM causing VAD… read more

How to Excel at Your Videotaped Deposition

Lawyers are increasingly videotaping the depositions of expert witnesses. These videos permit counsel to later play excerpts of the expert and show his demeanor, tone, and body language in addition to his words. David B. Markowitz, writing for SEAK, Inc., gave this advice on how to excel at your videotaped deposition. The camera magnifies and… read more

Using Expert Witnesses to Address Standard of Care in Medical Malpractice Cases

How do attorneys in medical malpractice cases prove the standards of care through expert witnesses? In their article Locking in Standards of Care (Trial Magazine, August 2019), attorneys Christian C. Mester and Michael J. Winkelman recommend the following techniques: 1. Ask the right questions of medical experts to lock them down on the standards of… read more


Can opposing counsel require an expert witness to produce his 1099s as part of a discovery request? In Estate of Jackson v. Billingslea, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan ordered an accident reconstruction expert to produce 1099’s for himself and his business. Jackson involved deaths resulting from a speed police… read more

Gamma Knife Expert: Definitions, Uses and Treatment

By: Stephen Saris, M.D. What is a Gamma Knife? The Gamma Knife is a medical device that focuses a very large amount of radiation on a lesion in the brain to shrink or destroy it. How does the Gamma Knife work? The best way to understand the Gamma Knife is to image an entertainer on… read more

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