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Physician Impairment

Historically, physicians’ health and capability to practice were determined at the time of training and when applying for board certification and staff privileges and then presumed to be self-regulated after that.  Disabled or impaired physicians were assumed to be able to determine when they needed to temporarily or permanently seek some type of care or limit… read more

Physician Health Monitoring Programs

In many states, physicians who have been identified as impaired can continue to retain their licenses by entering into an agreement with the state physicians health program. Physicians health programs are distinct from the medical board, healthcare systems, and credentialing bodies. The PHP is available to investigate alleged physician impairment.  If impairment is diagnosed, the PHP can enter… read more

The Different Types of Physician Impairment

There are a variety of impairments that commonly affect licensed physicians who practice medicine. The first category is physical illnesses, especially those involving cognitive changes, which can occur from a variety of underlying conditions, such as cancer, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.  In addition, some treatments have cognitive side effects, for example, cognitive effects of chemotherapy. Another major… read more

5 Characteristics of an Expert Witness in Manganese Neurotoxicity

Five Crucial Characteristics of an Expert Witness Consultant in Manganese Neurotoxicity Familiarity with the fact that Mn toxicity may occur in occupational settings such as mining, welding and steel cutting or in environmental settings where inhalation, ingestion or possibly dermal exposures may exist via ground water or local pollution. Experience with the clinical presentations of… read more

5 Important Characteristics of a Carbon Monoxide Toxicity Expert Witness

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Toxicity Expert Witness/ Consultant Discusses: 5 Crucial Characteristics of an Expert Witness Consultant in Carbon Monoxide Toxicity Experience with the clinical presentation of Carbon Monoxide toxicity that range from headache, flu like symptoms to seizure, movement disorders and death but may mimic many common illnesses. Familiarity with the assessment of CO toxicity;… read more

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