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By James C. Post, MD, PhD, MSS, FACS Over 500,000 tonsillectomies a year are performed in American children. While the number of surgeries is declining, the procedure remains one of the most common surgeries performed in the pediatric population. Although advances in anesthesia and surgical technique have made this a safer procedure, bleeding during or… read more

Virtual Reality Expert Witness on: The Next Patent Battleground

By: Craig Rosenberg, PhD I recently read of an interesting property dispute: Sailor’s Cove is a relaxing waterfront community… with cobblestone streets and New England– style homes bordering the dock. Quaint boutiques line the rocky coast, as [residents] spend their days watching sailing events, yachting, or perusing the local bookshop. Sailor’s Cove is comprised of… read more

Glaucoma Expert Witness on Delay in Diagnosis and Treatment

Delay in diagnosis, inadequate treatment, and failure to pursue aggressive intervention in a timely fashion can result in glaucoma and, in some cases, blindness. Definitions Glaucoma is categorized into primary glaucoma (i.e. cases that do not have an otherwise obvious cause) and secondary glaucoma that occurs to another disease process either systematic or in the… read more

Coatings Expert Witness on Why Coatings Fail

INTRODUCTION: THE CORROSION BATTLE The battle of corrosion is a constant fight because of the curse of all coatings engineers – thermodynamics! The Second Law of Thermodynamics states, in simplified terms, that the naturally occurring state of matter is its lowest energy state, similar to humans on weekends. Metals ordinarily exist naturally as oxides (e.g…. read more

When Retaining Counsel Will Not Agree to be Responsible for Expert Witness Fees

By: Steven Babitsky, Esq. Expert Witnesses are now being faced with retaining counsel refusing to be responsible for payment of the expert fees. Counsel will ask the expert to sign an agreement stating: “All billings will be submitted to our firm. However, payment of these bills will be the sole responsibility of our client. You… read more

Paint Expert Witness

INTRODUCTION: THE CORROSION BATTLE The battle of corrosion is a constant fight because of the curse of all paint coating technologists – thermodynamics! The Second Law of Thermodynamics states, in simplified terms, that the naturally occurring state of matter is its lowest energy state, similar to humans on weekends. Metals ordinarily exist naturally as oxides… read more

Life Care Plans and the ACA

By: Steven Babitsky, Esq. Do life care planners have to take into account the impact of the ACA when calculating future medical expenses? This issue is now of real concern to all life care planners. In the April 2015 issue of For the Defense entitled The ACA and Market-rate Predictably for Future Damages, attorneys Miller… read more

Steel Erection Expert Witness: Fall Protection

By Homer R. Peterson II, P.E., CSP Construction Falls are the Leading Cause of Construction Worker Deaths According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4,251 workers were killed on the job in private industry in 2014.  Construction worker deaths accounted for 874, or 20.5%, of these worker fatalities.  Construction falls are currently the leading… read more

Understanding Chinese Manufacturing and What Went Wrong When Hoverboards Explode

I spend a lot of time qualifying Chinese factories, helping my clients identify new sources and resolving production and quality problems.  You wouldn’t believe some of the things I have seen. And when a new fad product arrives on the scene, I cannot help but wonder what might go wrong because there are plenty of… read more


Expert witnesses will often be subject to a subpoena which will require that the expert bring certain items with them to their expert witness deposition. Below is an example of an expert witness subpoena duces tecum created by renowned Trial Attorney Michael Watters of O’Brien Watters & Davis, LLP in Santa Rosa, California: The documents… read more

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