The internet is a powerful tool that can be used to locate expert witnesses.  Generally, there are three types of websites where you can find large numbers of expert witnesses.

These are:
– Expert witness directories
– Professional organizations/associations,
– And expert witness brokers/locator services.

Online Expert Witness Directories

Online expert witness directories have rapidly proliferated in the internet age.  The advantage of using online expert witness directories is that the experts listed therein are presumably open to accepting new cases (since they have paid for a listing in the directory).  Below is an alphabetical list of the best online directories of expert witnesses.

  1. ALM Experts
  2. Expert Pages
  5. JurisPro Expert Witness Directory
  6. SEAK National Directory of Expert Witnesses

Online Professional Organization Expert Witness Directories

Professional societies and associations may maintain online directories of expert witnesses.  The advantage of using these types of online expert witness directories is that you may be able to find many qualified experts in the sought after specialty.  The main disadvantage is that only some of the fields you may need an expert in will likely maintain an online expert witness directory.  Consider the below alphabetical list of some of the top association sites for finding an expert witness online.

  1. Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction
  2. American Academy of Economic and Financial Experts
  3. American Board of Professional Psychology
  4. American Board of Vocational Experts
  5. American College of Forensic Examiners International
  6. American Institute of CPA’s- Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF)
  7. American Society of Appraisers
  8. Forensic Expert Witness Association
  9. Institute of Business Appraisers
  10. National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts


Expert Witness Brokers and Referral Services

The third and final major category of internet sites to locate expert witnesses are those of expert witness brokers/locators services.  These sites won’t actually tell you who the expert is.  They will only give you some teaser copy.  To hire the witness you would need to pay the service a finder’s fee – usually a substantial markup of the expert’s hourly fee.  Because of the added cost, this is the least desirable way to find an expert witness online and should only be used where you are otherwise unable to locate and retain a qualified expert witness.  Consider the below list of some of the expert witness brokers and referral services.

  1. ForensisGroup
  2. IMS Expert Services
  3. TASA
  4. Teklicon
  5. Thompson Reuters Expert Witness Services