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Nursing Administration Expert Witness On The Use Of Regulatory And Accreditation Standards To Address Hospital and Health Care Facility Negligence

In matters of hospital and healthcare facility negligence, an experienced nursing administration expert witness can provide valuable assistance in identifying and evaluating whether existing hospital and healthcare facility regulatory and accreditation standards apply to case issues. What regulatory and accreditation standards apply to the hospital and health care facility setting? The following lists the most… read more

Video Laryngoscopy Emergency Medicine Expert Witness Discusses Difficult Airway Secured with Video Laryngoscopy and an Endotracheal Tube Introducer

CASE:  43-year-old male presents to the ER with chief complaint of vomiting blood and epigastric (upper stomach) pain.   Approximately 1 hour prior to presenting to the ER, he finished dinner with his family of 5; became nauseated and sweaty; and vomited his meal mixed with a large amount of dark red blood.  His wife states… read more

Preoperative Evaluation of the Atrial Fibrillation Patient

More than 27 million Americans undergo noncardiac surgery annually. Cardiac complications can be a major source of morbidity and mortality in the perioperative period. The focus of the preoperative evaluation for patients with preexisting atrial fibrillation is to (1) assess rate and/or rhythm control; (2) identify patients with valvular disease or heart failure; (3) determine… read more

Prediction of Stroke Risk in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) patients and treating physicians have to remember that stroke represents a devastating complication from AF. There exists many situations where one can live reasonably well with partially damaged organs; the brain is often not one of these. Sight, memory, speech, cognition, ambulation, and continence are all brain-controlled functions that directly relate to… read more

A Runway Construction Expert Witness Discusses Airfield Problems

By; Ray Rollings Over fifty years ago, the distinguished Harvard professor and engineering consultant Karl Terzaghi published a classic paper entitled Consultants, Clients, and Contractors. This paper explored the dynamic and often destructive interactions between these parties in major engineering works.  Today, we often see the same destructive conflicts between the parties of which Professor… read more

Spinal Injection Expert Witness: Risks and Complications

Epidural steroid injections, both translaminar and transforaminal, are a common therapeutic provided by many pain management practitioners.  While this procedure is generally considered safe, there have been reported cases of neurological injuries including spinal cord injury, respiratory arrest, spinal cord infarction, paralysis, and death. The Doctors Company, the nation’s largest physician-owned medical malpractice insurer, reports… read more

Why Attorneys Should Hire a Software and Patent Expert Witness

Software innovation is growing at an incredible rate in the United States. This means that for many software companies and innovators, so are software patents and software patent litigation. As software programming evolves, the law and legal precedences also change, and the various courts and agencies that apply and interpret them must adapt to a… read more

Psychiatric Expert Witness on: Psychiatric Liability in Suicide and Homicide

Assessing Risk Assessing risk is an important issue in both clinical and forensic psychiatry.  Whether a clinician is capable of predicting suicide, dangerousness or relapse is a controversial topic as well.  It is clear that the future cannot be predicted accurately all the time by even the best clinician.  However sometimes, there are logical means… read more

Psychiatric Malpractice Expert Witness Discusses Malpractice Claims

Introduction Over the years, psychiatry has generally not been considered a high-risk medical specialty, at least in regard to the risk of being sued based on a cause of action for medical negligence.  The authors in a NEJM article titled Malpractice Risk According to Physician Specialty (8/18/2011) found that only 2.6% of psychiatrists faced a… read more

Catastrophic Burn Injury Expert Witness – Plastic Surgeon

Introduction In evaluating catastrophic burn victims it is important to objectively assess the extent of scarring, outline a treatment protocol, and predict future disfigurement to determine a prognosis and long-term expenses and medical costs. Incidence of Burn Injuries The American Burn Association reports 450,000 burn related hospital admissions and emergency department visits annually. [1] Minor… read more

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