By Homer R. Peterson II, P.E., CSP, CFLC


During construction or renovation of almost any type of structure containing structural steel members, the steel is typically erected using crews containing ironworkers who are skilled in the type of work performed by their crew. This is true whether the structural steel is part of an arena, bridge, hospital, industrial or manufacturing facility, office building, retail center, school, stadium, warehouse, or similar facility.

On large projects, ironworkers usually specialize in the work performed by one crew type for the entire project, then move to another project as part of the same crew type. Large projects usually have a project superintendent, a foreman for each crew, and an apprentice or helper for each crew.

On small projects, ironworkers often perform the work of one or more crew types. For example, some companies will perform most or all the steel erection work on very small projects with only one crew. The crew will erect steel for a portion of the project, then drop back to plumb, bolt, weld, and detail the steel, then install the metal deck. On small projects, a project superintendent is often not needed and each foreman might handle more than one crew. Each apprentice or helper might assist more than one crew on these projects.

Ironworker Crews Typically Used to Erect Steel Building Structures

Ironworker crew types that are generally recognized within the steel industry are listed and their primary functions are described below.

Raising gang

  1. Unloads the steel members and metal deck bundles when delivered to the site
  2. Sorts the steel using the steel member piece marks and the deck by using the deck bundle numbers
  3. The raising gang’s hook-on men select the rigging to be used to hoist each member and bundle and attach the rigging to the loads to be hoisted
  4. Hoists the steel into position
  5. The raising gang’s two ironworkers called “connectors” connect the hoisted steel members at their final locations within the structure using temporary erection bolts (or infrequently, tack welds)
  6. Hoists the deck bundles and places them on the structure near the column lines when the structure has been stabilized to the extent needed to support the bundles

Plumbing crew

  1. Checks steel columns for plumbness
  2. Uses wire rope plumb cables and turnbuckles as needed to temporarily stabilize the structure and bring all columns within erection plumbness tolerances
  3. On structures with full penetration welded connections of beams to columns, “spreads” any full penetration weld joints prior to welding. This allows for shrinkage of these welds as they cool.

Bolting crew

  1. Installs the permanent bolts at all member-to-member bolted connections
  2. Uses drift pins and/or reams the bolt holes to enlarge them whenever the holes in two members to be connected do not align properly, thus allowing insertion of the bolts into the holes
  3. Tightens the bolts

Welding crew

  1. Ensures that each welder is certified for the classification and position of every weld to be made
  2. Makes the welds required for any member-to-member welded connections

Decking crew

  1. Removes banding from each deck bundle
  2. Removes individual sheets from the bundle and scatters the deck within a bay
  3. Checks the alignment and coverage within the bay
  4. Attaches the deck to the structure using puddle welds or screws

Detail crew

  1. Installs stairs, handrails, and any other miscellaneous or ornamental iron that is included as part of the erector’s scope of work
  2. Installs safety devices needed such as safety posts and guardrail cables at building perimeters and around large open holes for which covers are impractical

SENRAC Study of Ironworker Activities Causing Fatalities

Prior to completing its OSHA advisory function concerning regulatory changes to Subpart R Steel Erection, the Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee (“SENRAC”) tabulated causes of ironworker fatalities using data from an eleven-year study that included the cause of each fatal accident and the steel erection activity being performed when each accident occurred.

Per SENRAC, Connecting Activity Had the 2nd-Most Ironworker Fatalities

Casual observers of construction work in progress are likely to assume that connectors perform the most hazardous steel erection work. The likely reason for this assumption is that the ironworker connectors are visible from long distances while potentially exposed to falls as they work at considerable heights above the ground or working floor during much of their workday.

Connectors also face the possibility of structural collapse of the framing on which they are perched. This can occur if the temporary bracing for a partially erected portion of the structure is inadequate, or the number of temporary bolts installed by the connectors themselves in that portion of the structure is insufficient to support the combined weight of the connectors, their tools, and the partially erected framing.

Finally, connectors are exposed to being struck by incoming loads suspended from hoisting equipment during their connecting activity.

Per SENRAC, Decking Activities Had More Fatalities Than Connecting

Despite the multiple hazards to which raising gangs’ connectors can be exposed, the data tabulated by SENRAC demonstrated that, over the eleven-year period of the study, decking activities resulted in more fatalities than any other ironworking activity, including connecting. 

Why is Decking Activity so Hazardous?

Leading edges

As metal deck sheets are placed in newly created steel-framed bays, leading edges are continuously created, moved, and finally eliminated when all decking is in place.

To cover a new bay with metal deck and create a temporary work surface, ironworkers break open deck bundles, carry deck sheets from the opened bundles to their final location, then place them, walk on them, space them, and provide safety deck attachments to secure them. Each of these operations is hazardous.

  1. Breaking open deck bundles – Cutting and removing the banding occurs when none of the metal deck has been scattered in the new bay. This exposes ironworkers to falls as they move along the skeletal steel structure from the leading edge of a previously decked bay to the newly placed bundle, and again as they lean over to cut the banding while standing on the deck bundle.
  2. Carrying and placing deck sheets – Ironworkers are exposed to fall hazards as they perform these operations because their vision can be partially impaired by the sheet that they carry. Wind gusts can make this even more hazardous because a carried sheet can act like a sail in the wind and cause a loss of balance at a leading edge.
  3. Walking on and spacing deck sheets – The ironworkers must take care when placing each sheet to ensure proper bearing of each end of the sheet on the steel members supporting the deck. When walking on and spacing the deck sheets, an ironworker can lose his balance and fall if he steps on a sheet that lacks proper bearing.
  4. Making safety deck attachments – An ironworker can back off a leading edge unless he starts at the new leading edge and then works away from it, back towards a previously completed bay. If welding with a hood, he can become distracted at a leading edge while his vision is impaired by the hood. Either situation can lead to a fall from a leading edge.

Metal deck installers must also be aware of weather conditions that can make the steel or deck surfaces slippery, such as fog, rain, or icy conditions. These conditions present fall hazards when ironworkers are walking on the deck without using a personal fall arrest system (“PFAS”) as allowed by OSHA regulations when working in a controlled decking zone.

Access holes

After the deck has been scattered and placed and safety deck attachments have been made, access holes are still needed to provide access by the bolting and welding crews for work below the level of the decked floor. These access holes should be covered or ironworkers working near them should use personal fall arrest systems and practice 100% tie-off. In either case, the access holes present opportunities for workers to make a mistake by either leaving the holes open, unattended, and unprotected or by failing to utilize their PFAS when near the holes. A suitable PFAS should include: 1) proper anchorage, 2) body harness, 3) connector (lanyard), and 4) deceleration device.

CASE STUDY – Metal Deck Installation by Ironworkers

A building owner (the “Owner”) hired a construction manager (the “CM”) to oversee the construction of a building that included steel framing and metal deck flooring. The CM subcontracted the steel erection and metal deck installation to a steel erector (the “SE”). The SE’s ironworkers failed to make any tack welds on one of the metal deck sheets that they installed. Those tack welds would have served as safety deck attachments. When another ironworker stepped on the sheet that had not been tack welded, the sheet moved sideways, causing him to lose his balance and fall approximately 20 feet to the floor below. The ironworker who fell (the Plaintiff in the related lawsuit) was injured and filed a lawsuit against the Owner and the CM alleging violations of safety regulations.


OSHA’s requirements related to fall protection for ironworkers engaged in steel erection and deck installation can be found in Subpart R of the federal construction safety regulations at 29CFR§1926.760. The regulations in Subpart R include restrictions and exemptions related to ironworkers performing connecting activities and decking activities in controlled decking zones (“CDZ’s”). Steel erectors should incorporate their knowledge of these regulations into their safety training programs. Increasing ironworker knowledge of OSHA’s fall protection regulations applicable to steel erection should help to promote ironworker safety and decrease the number of fall hazard exposures of ironworkers who perform work as connectors and deck installers. 


Decking activity is hazardous because the ironworkers who install metal deck constantly work near both leading edges and access holes. Their work exposes them for a major part of their workday to the possibility of falling over a leading edge or through an unprotected hole. The greater the portion of the workday spent exposed to leading edges and access holes, the greater is the probability of a fatal fall.

About the Author – Homer R. Peterson II, P.E., CSP, CFLC

Homer R. Peterson II, P.E., CSP, CFLC serves as President of Peterson Construction Consulting, Inc.  He provides consulting services, including expert witness services, to attorneys, insurance carriers, and companies engaged in both construction and general industry.  Throughout a 40-year career involving construction, steel erection, safety, and fall protection on more than 350 projects located in 21 U.S. states and territories, he has observed the policies, programs, procedures, standard practices, and best practices of more than 80 general contractors and numerous specialty contractors.  

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