By Steven Babitsky, Esq.

When I work with physicians entering into the consulting field I always suggest that they  have a written consulting contract with their clients. This contract protects both the client and the physician consultant from misunderstandings about the scope,timing and remuneration for the consultant.

Important issues that need to be covered in the contract include:

1. Who exactly are the parties to the contract?

2. What precisely is the scope of the assignment?

3. The compensation of the physician consultant eg amount and payment terms

4. How expenses are to be handled

5. The duties of the physician consultant spelled out in detail

6. The duties of the client spelled out in detail

7. The fact that the physician consultant is an independent contractor and not an employee

8. A confidentiality clause

9. A provision for additional services requested by the client, and

10.The dispute resolution mechanism.


Having a clear and detailed consultant contract is the first step in developing a good working relationship between the physician consultant and the client.

Steven Babitsky, Esq is the President of SEAK, Inc. and teaches the annual course HOW TO START, BUILD, & RUN A SUCCESSFUL PHYSICIAN CONSULTING PRACTICE. Click here to stream this course now.