Defense Verdict: Multi-System Comorbid Medical Condition Expert Witness

What kind of a medical expert witness is best suited for a case involving multiple overlapping medical conditions?  An expert witness who specializes in multi-system co-morbid medical conditions.

A defense verdict was reached by the jury in the case of Brissey/Wagner vs. State of Iowa #CL114852 2/2013.

Brief Narrative Description of Case Including Your Role and Brief Summary of Your Expert Testimony: 68 year old female involved in fatal motor vehicle accident in Iowa on 6/15/08.  Patient with past history of diabetes, hypertension, morbid obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, congestive heart failure, chronic lung disease, and atrial fibrillation.  Patient’s auto either stopped or going very slowly on 4-lane highway, when hit by National Guard bus, resulting in immediate death due to aortic rupture.  Defense expert testified that accident resulted from error on part of deceased due to medical impairment at time of impact.  Trial court found no negligence on part of bus driver due to high likelihood of motor vehicle accident being due to medical impairment contributing to cause of impact.

The physician testifying for the defense was James F. Lineback MD, FCCP who specializes in causation and disability in complex multi-system catastrophic injury cases. Dr. Lineback is located in Newport Beach, CA.